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Initial assessment and treatment - £45
Follow up appointments - £40

Assessment only - £30


Initial assessment & treatment - £55
Follow up appointments - £50

Assessment only - £40



Other animals or services - price upon request


Group sessions of 4+ animals receive a 10% discount each 


No-shows and cancellations within 24 hours of appointment may incur a charge


Extra mileage costs may be added if outside regular treatment zone, please contact to enquire



A thorough assessment with KFVP includes:


  • Collecting a case history

  • Assessing conformation

  • Palpating the musculoskeletal system for abnormal changes

  • Analysing muscle definition and balance

  • Checking reflexes and neurological feedback

  • Looking for spinal pain and/or instability

  • Observing gait for lameness and abnormal movement patterns



Treatment is tailored to your animal, aiming to:


  • Eliminate muscular dysfunctions such as hypertonicity, spasm, trigger points, adhesion etc.

  • Reduce inflammation/swelling/pain

  • Enhance and expedite healing and function post injury or surgery

  • Reduce the prevalence of compensatory muscle or gait patterns

  • Improve sporting performance and recovery post-exercise/competition



To continue the benefits post-appointment, you may recieve:


  • Advice and recommendations for lifestyle change 

  • Exercises/techniques to be completed at home

  • A 4 week detailed exercise and/or therapy plan (supplementary)

  • A detailed vet report, which may be used to aid diagnosis/veterinary treatment etc (supplementary)​


Pain assessments

Having a pain assessment prior to behaviour training rules out pain, or acknowledges it as a potential contributor to your dogs behaviour, as well as allowing you to treat or manage the problem, saving your dog from further pain and discomfort later in life!


Includes a full physical and gait assessment, discussion of findings, treatment and a written report sent to you and your dogs behaviourist.

If treatment is not considered needed, or cannot be completed due to behavioural complications, a deduction of £10 may be issued.

If the assessment cannot be completed due to behavioural complications, a deposit of only £30 will be taken.

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